In the long term, Intercreativiy will be an open ecosystem of interoperable content-management applications. Each application can, potentially, be considered a different product by itself.

However, to bootstrap such a vision, Intercreativity will start by developing a set of unique and tangible "bootstrapping-apps" each one of which will solve a well-defined problem faced by a niche of existing users as early adopters.

Bootstrapping Apps

Bootstrapping-apps are chosen based on how clear Intercratitivy's technology has a significant differentiator factor compared to its competitors and alternatives.

All of these apps are built around a basic set of core modules, where most of the development efforts need to be concentrated, and that are reused and customized for each specific application.

These are the bootstrapping-apps that will be developed first:

The roadmap for releasing the bootstrapping apps in included in the Roadmap page:

Long-term Apps

After bootstrapping, Intercreativity can be used as the foundation on top of which other applications are developed. Its a permission-less ecosystem built on top of open-source technology and different applications can be built on top of it.

These are some of the examples of applications that could be built on top of Intercreativity.